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What is theory of personality?

The ability to connect or differentiate oneself from others is a necessary component of the human experience. The two roles are served by the boundary. To build meaningful relationships with other people, one must make an effort to reach out and identify one's boundaries.

Effective self-regulation welcomes interactions in which the individual recognizes the unfamiliarity of the surroundings, which may be either toxic or nourishing. One can choose to accept it or reject it. Without a doubt, this kind of differentiated contact promotes growth.

Metabolic State of Mind

Gestalt therapy uses the expression "metabolism" to describe psychological functioning in figurative terms. Humans grow by biting off pieces of the right size (this applies not only to food but also to relationships and ideas). Next comes the chewing phase, which is the same as consideration, and deciding if it is toxic or nourishing. When it is nutritious, the organism absorbs it and integrates it into itself. If the variant is toxic, the organism rejects it. This forces people to rely on their judgment and taste.

Processing exteroceptive stimuli in conjunction with interoceptive data requires active sensing in the absence of stimuli.

Control of the Edge

The line drawn separating an individual from their surroundings should be both permeable and robust enough to allow for communication. It should be possible to keep pollutants out of one's surroundings. However, feeding should also be differentiated based on prevailing needs. The rules of homeostasis regulate metabolic processes.

Until it is met or takes its place by a more pressing need, the organism is activated by the most pressing need. Living is a series of needs that are either satisfied or unmet, resulting in homeostatic balance and the transition to the next need and new moment.

Unrest Along the Contact Boundary

When a boundary is absent, hazy, or impossible to cross, contact and awareness are also disrupted, which results in a disorder of the self-other distinction (refer to Perls, 1973; Polster & Polster, 1973). People who have well-functioning boundaries alternate between withdrawing from and interacting with their surroundings, as well as between connecting and separating.

The line between joining and separating is crossed in completely contradictory ways. When there is fusion, the boundary between the self and the other vanishes, and the separation between them becomes hazy. When something is isolated, the line between what is coherent and what is not solidified, meaning that the importance of other people to oneself is eliminated from consciousness.

An internal split caused by retroflection keeps parts of the self apart from the self. When we do to ourselves what we would have others do to us, or vice versa, we are substituting the environment for ourselves.

Separation is brought about by this plan. Retrospective examples include the illusion of self-sufficiency, which replaces environment with self. The environment provides food and air even though an individual can breathe and chew on their own. Retroflection can be either pathological or healthy, and one type of it is introspection.

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